{{::warriorsdance.png?800|}} ====== Warriors Dance ====== ===== General Information ===== * **Coordinates: 4530, -2237** * **Constructed: 23/12/24** * **Height:108m** Warriors Dance is a large statue built by [[player:admin:siotter|SiOtter]] in December 2024. Its over one-hundred meters tall and is made of wool. The statue was constructed over the course of four hours; and is based of a character SiOtter has been using since elementary school. The exact drawing of the character was done in Summer of 2024 and was apart of a series of drawings meant to become statue references for future projects. In the thumbnail photo you can see SleeplessTheCat on the tail which is a good show of the statues size. Due to its size a viewing platform was made to see the statue from the same angle the original drawing was made. ===== Construction Photos ===== {{:2024-12-22_16.51.33_copy.png?400|}} {{:2024-12-22_17.14.42_copy.png?400|}} {{:2024-12-22_21.38.10_copy.png?400|}}